
in case I've never told you...

If there's one thing I've noticed about the desperation of the people around me, it is that most of it is concentrated in the church. We who have in our posession the hope of nations, the most miraculous and redeeming truth that has ever lit up this world, we who have been called a royal priesthood and a chosen generation, we have lost sight of the hope that lies within us. Not only is it available to us, it is within us, alive and powerful. God's salvation has rescued His church, which turns around and runs right back out into the mud it was pulled out of.

In case you have found yourself disillusioned with not just A church, but THE church, please understand that I'm with you. For everything I've seen, I remain an idealistic dreamer at heart. With that comes great disappointment at times, because nothing of this world is ideal. Nothing composed of humans is ideal, hence the church itself falls far from my expectations much of the time.

For all of you, several close friends of mine and maybe those whom I will never know, who may have given up on God's church, let me plead with you for a moment. My hope is in the everlasting God, my refuge and my strength. If my hope were in the institution of the church and it's fidelity, yes I'd give it up. First one out the door. But if you will, return to the cross and ask yourself if what that horribly beautiful image represents is worth placing your hope in. I promise you it is. And if that is the case, keep your heart fixed on your Savior and follow the docrine you find in the pages of His love letter to you. How can you go wrong?

I'm learning slowly how to be "constructively disillusioned." Sometimes I forget the importance of God comparing the church to His bride; He is faithfully devoted to her and loves her even when she is unfaithful. Her mistakes hurt Him deeply, but He restores her. Instead of finding fault in what we've become and judging each other for our collective mistakes, it's about time we united a world of churches into the church and gently but firmly restored one another. I think there are many times when God allows us to see problems, even experience the hurt that comes with them, with the intention of using us to voice the solution. Instead, we internalize our pain and become frustrated with our brothers and sisters. Lest I forget, I am not a large enough part to be sufficient if I cut myself off from the rest of the body. I need you, not just to be there and help me, but to survive. I need you whether you're perfect or not. I need you whether I agree with your theology or not.

In short (because I know you were wanting that instead of all of the above...get over it :D ) , I think I'm remembering why I fell in love with Jesus. And THAT gives me a lot of hope in His church.


Unknown said...

you're beautiful - inside and out and what a blessing that God threw you in my path. I can't wait to get to know you even better. To open up to each other and be friends with our bond in Christ at the center.

Travis said...

You continually find new ways to amaze me.