

Sometimes I remember just how beautiful people can be.

For the post I think I'll focus on my female acquaintances, because I am more inclined to understand them than the alternative. Simply put, I'm a girl and we recognize things in each other.

There are some girls who absolutely brighten my life. I try to explain it and somehow it doesn't convey what I really mean. Women struggle to be pretty, spending many hours and dollars to achieve some level of attractiveness--but I know some who, regardless of how physically attractive they are when YOU look at THEM, radiate something beautiful just by the way THEY look at YOU. I feel honored to be surrounded every day of my life by strong, wise, selfless, and just beautiful women. If you wonder why we're so happy to see each other, it's because we grow and learn and feel like better people when we're together. There are times when I look at them and wonder how the majority of the known world survives without them. Frankly, I know I couldn't. Those girls each have something I am striving for, and I have the greatest amount of respect for their character and their spirit.

Culture tends to push us in one of two directions/categories: strong, overbearing, and independent, or weak, helpless, and unnoticed. There can be strength in softness, and great leadership without overemphasized personality. I have seen confidence displayed in quietness and independence brought out by sacrifice for others.

Father THANK YOU for surrounding me every day with more beauty than most people recognize in a lifetime.

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