

Today I finally figured out a few things I've never understood, and I thought I'd share because I've never met anyone who knew.


The people we have always called our cousins (aunt or uncle's children) are first cousins. They are in your generation and don't share your parents, but they do share your grandparents. Second cousins are those who are in your generation and don't share your grandparents but do share your great-grandparents (one of your grandparents was the sibling of one of their grandparents). I'm sure you can keep going with the third, fourth, etc.

What the heck does "removed" mean?

"Removed" means you go up one generation. For example, your "first cousin once removed" could be your mother's first cousin. Your "grandmother once removed" could technically be your father's grandmother, and your great-grandmother. Your "uncle twice removed" could be your grandfather's uncle.

I also learned that it is spelled "geneAlogy" and not "geneOlogy." Who knew.

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