

As of about 5:10 this afternoon, I am officially Covidien/Valleylab's newest summer intern.

What does that mean? Basically I get to move to Boulder, Colorado for the summer and work for a medical research company on electrosurgical devices. Kinda crazy, huh??

I'm more than excited. Ok, I'm not going to lie, being able to see Josh on a somewhat regular basis (as I will probably be living less than 15 minutes from his house) is a big plus. But all of that aside, this is absolutely the best opportunity I found out there, and I can't wait to start learning and being challenged because this will DEFINITELY be a challenge.

I'm scared. And excited and expectant, but somewhat overwhelmed and shocked. I almost didn't believe her when she offered me the job. After however many questions I didn't answer well or how much I don't know or how much more effort it takes for them to hire me instead of someone local or how little experience I have...they wanted me. With this on my resume, and with the kind of experience it seems that I will be getting, I could get a great job almost anywhere when I graduate, not to mention I would have a better-than-average shot at one with Covidien if I do well.

I want to change the world. I think there is something to be said for getting an excellent education and gaining good experience for the purpose of turning it back around and changing life for the better for someone who needs it. I was sitting in that office Monday excited beyond belief because I was really becoming fascinated by what they are working on. I LOVE ENGINEERING. It's not just a series of equations and bouts of test anxiety on the path to a degree. I love what I'm learning, and I love the challenge. And I am pretty dang excited that one day I can use all of that passion and interest to change someone's life, and then be able to tell them that Jesus loves them in practical ways that meet their most desperate physical needs, not just in theory or in some hyper-spiritual repetitious ideal. I guess I've fallen for the idea that God never gives us anything to be used selfishly -- and if I've been blessed to be this passionate about something, I really want to use it to bring life or joy or comfort to someone whose life would be forever altered by it.

And that's happening. I can't believe I'm actually starting out into this new adventure that used to be just a really cool thought.

God has been far too good to me.

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