

The best things in life have “do not enter” signs on them.

Whether that’s because there’s a certain thrill and sense of adventure in challenging the rules that makes the forbidden seem sweeter or because it actual IS better, I can’t say. I do know that if you want something to be left alone, don’t try to lock it up tight or put up warning signs – you’re just tipping potential trespassers off to the location of what they want.

So, where to go with this…

Sometimes the best things in life are the hardest to get to. The things that are carefully guarded by expenditure of time and effort. The things you can’t get unless you are willing to face failure. The things you’ll never notice if you spend your whole life focused on the next step in your forward progression towards some vague and elusive ideal of happiness in the future while neglecting the opportunities all around you.

The things that not everyone is willing to sacrifice for.

The things that not everyone is aware of.

The things that make the effort, the time, the fears, the risks, and the losses all worth it when you finally get behind the closed door.

What’s worth it to you? Why not go after it that much harder, knowing that nothing truly worth the effort requires none.

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